Key Links Green - Early: 12 fiction & 12 nonfiction
Reading Recovery Levels: 12-14
The Green Guided Reading Multipack for early readers features:
- Green titles continue to increase key vocabulary in every book.
- Documentary-style nonfiction titles integrate 'learning to read' and 'reading to learn' in a case-study approach.
- After reading fiction titles, students sequence images to retell the story.
- After reading nonfiction titles, students identify main ideas from selected images.
- Green 1: Spider Gets Jealous
- Green 2: Moon Mouse
- Green 3: Mister Rooster
- Green 4: Tilly's Tantrum
- Green 5: Knut: A Pet or Not?
- Green 6: The Junk Raft Journey
- Green 7: The Battle to Breathe
- Green 8: A Real Tree House
- Green 9: I Dare You
- Green 10: Alien Trouble
- Green 11: A Bag in the Jungle
- Green 12: Uncle Al - Rob Kiely
- Green 13: A Snake Wrangler
- Green 14: Bully Bugs
- Green 15: Up Pops a Mushroom
- Green 16: Bug Hunters
- Green 17: Cousin Kate
- Green 18: Baxter
- Green 19: Uncle Al Goes to Soccer!
- Green 20: Robot RG9 Takes Over!
- Green 21: A Battle in the Deep Sea
- Green 22: Lucky Water Buffalo Calf
- Green 23: Different, But the Same Too
- Green 24: The Stars Above