A Whale of a Tea Party: Ready-to-Read Level 2

Sale price$45.00


Publishers:  Simon & Schuster
Series: REady-to-Read
Published December 14, 2021
Format: Paperpack
Author: Erica S. Perl
Illustrator: Sam Ailey
Level: 2
Text Type: Fiction
ISBN: 9781534497290
Charming and quirky friends Whale, Quail, and Snail have a tea party in this all-new Level 2 Ready-to-Read from award-winning author Erica S. Perl!

Meet a whale named Whale. She spends most of her time exploring the area near Tiny Island, dreaming of a day when she’ll have real friends, not just rock friends. One day, Whale decides to throw a tea party…and it changes everything, especially when Quail and Snail show up!

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