My Dream Job(Reading Planet KS2-Saturn/Dark Blue-Red Band)

Sale price$88.00


Publisher: Rising Stars UK
Series: Reading Planet Key Stage 2 (Saturn)
Book Band(UK): Bridging Dark Blue-Red
Reading Recovery Level: 32
Reading Age: 10-11
Retold by: Narinder Dhami 
Illustrated by:
Text type: Non Fiction
Guidebook: careers
ISBN: 9781510454484

What would you like to do when you grow up? From blogger to stunt performer, firefighter to marine biologist, find out about the amazing jobs that are out there to be explored! In this book, you'll read about people who love doing what they do for a living. You'll find out what they were like at school and how they got their dream job. This book will also help you start thinking about the type of work you might want to do.

Read on and see if you can spot a job you fancy! And don't worry if you still can't decide - you still have plenty of time to find your dream career!

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