Finding My Hat (GR Level Z)

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Publisher: Scholastic Asia
Series: Guided Reading
Format: Paperback
Author: John Son
Illustrated by:
Guide Reading Level(US): Z
Reading Recovery Level: 35
Lexile: 840L
Text type: Non Fiction
ISBN: 9780439435390

Jin-Han begins his story with his first memory, when at age two he loses his hat to a sudden gust of wind. While he never finds that particular hat, his search for his "hat" - his identity - coincides with his family's search for their place in America.

Struggles in Korea, losses during the Korean War, and the decision to leave behind loved ones to create a better future in a new, foreign place are all a part of Jin-Han's wise, funny story. But at the heart of this insightful novel is his coming of age and a growing awareness of others' perceptions of him.

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