Your Brilliant Brain(Reading Planet Astro-Supernova/Earth)

Sale price$88.00


Publisher: Rising Stars UK
Series: Reading Planet Astro - Supernova/Earth
Interest Level(Book Band): 34-36
Text Book Band(UK): Bridging Dark Red
Reading Recovery Level: 30
Author: Tom Chatfield
Illustrated by:
Text type: Non Fiction
ISBN: 9781398324350

Your brain is BRILLIANT! And so is mine! We all have amazing brains, and each one is different. In this book, you'll discover that different people's brains have different strengths and needs. We're going to meet some people and find out what it feels like to be them.

From people living with dyslexia to others who are autistic - there are billions of different brains in the world and not one of them is perfectly 'average' or 'normal'. They are all the best at being themselves. Your Brilliant Brain is part of the Astro range from Rising Stars Reading Planet.

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