Picking Apples & Pumpkins (GR Level L)

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Publisher: Scholastic Asia
Series: Guided Reading
Format: Paperback
Author: Amy Hutchings & Richard Hutchings
Illustrated by: Richard Hutchings
Guide Reading Level(US): L
Reading Recovery Level: 21
Lexile: AD580L
Text type: Fiction
ISBN: 9780590484565

This colorful book tells the story of a family who visits a New Jersey farm in autumn to have a picnic, and engage in seasonal activities such as picking apples, selecting pumpkins, baking apple pies, and creating jack-o-lanterns.

Richard Hutchings' appealing photographs show the family in an actual apple orchard and pumpkin patch, both cared for by a present-day farmer. The family enjoys a picnic set in the splendor of fall foliage and later sculpts pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns and bakes apple pies from scratch. Young readers will be pleasantly entertained by this seasonal story and will also delight in making their own apple pie using the homemade recipe included in the text.

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