Sherlock Holmes and the BSI: The Fall of the Amazing Zalin­das (GR Level V)

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Publisher: Scholastic Asia
Series: Guided Reading
Format: Paperback
Author: Michael Citrin Tracy Mark
Illustrated by:  
Guide Reading Level(US): V
Reading Recovery Level: 31
Lexile: 850L
Text type: Fiction
ISBN: 9780545069397

If you have not heard about the world's most brilliant crime solver of all time, the consulting detective, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, you have undoubtedly spent your years beneath a large rock - for much has been written about him. But few know Sherlock Holmes was assisted by a band of devoted boys - street urchins who loved to solve mysteries - called the Baker Street Irregulars.

In this exciting tale, Wiggins, Ozzie, Simon, and the rest of the BSI - with the aid of Pilar, a gypsy girl - help Sherlock Holmes solve the case of the deaths of three of the Amazing Zalindas, a family of tightrope walkers. When a murder at the circus unravels another, far more treacherous crime involving the theft of a royal book from Buckingham Palace, the master detective and the boys of the BSI must pursue terrifying villains to solve this mystery, dodging danger at every turn....Follow the boys of the BSI on this fast-paced mystery that is thrilling to follow!

Filled with added bonuses like a guide to the art of disguise, puzzles, maps, and a glossary of Cockney slang, this is a fun and imaginative reading adventure for boys and girls with a love for mystery, history and intrigue.

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