Baby Animals (GR Level M)

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Publisher: Scholastic Asia
Series: Guided Reading
Format: Paperback
Author: Gilda & Melvin Berger
Illustrated by:
Guide Reading Level(US): M
Reading Recovery Level: 22
Lexile: NC600L
Text type: Non Fiction
ISBN: 9780545003919

"Scholastic True or False" is a science series aimed at second and third graders in a fun question-and-answer format. Each book contains 22 true or false questions with a full-color photograph of adorable baby animals on every page. Kids will read the question on the right and turn the page to see the answer on the left. Every answer also includes a bonus fact related to the question; such as: "A baby elephant sucks on its trunk like a human baby sucks its thumb. True or False? True! A baby elephant uses its trunk for sucking - as well as for smelling, drinking, and feeding itself. A baby elephant is called a calf. The mother - and other females in the herd - take very good care of the calves. They protect the calves from tigers-their worst enemy. The calves play with other young elephants and seem to enjoy splashing water and rolling in dirt or mud. A calf usually stays with its mother for at least three years.Elephants care for their babies longer than any other animal - except humans."

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