Whales Passing (GR Level L)

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Publisher: Scholastic Asia
Series: Guided Reading
Format: Paperback
Author: Eva Bunting
Illustrated by: Lambert Davis
Guide Reading Level(US): L
Reading Recovery Level: 21
Lexile: AD560L
Text type: Fiction
ISBN: 9780439560672

Acclaimed author Eve Bunting and illustrator Lambert Davis tell a simple story of a boy and his dad who watch from the shore as Orca whales swim by and imagine the pod's underwater life.

A young boy stands on the beach with his father. As they watch the surf, a pod of Orca whales swim by. After wondering aloud whether the whales can talk like he does, the boy then imagines the whales' conversations, and whether they are talking about him under the bubbling waves, just as he talks about them on the land.

"I bet those whales have signposts down below. An ocean mountain or a sunken ship. Maybe another whale that tells them, 'Follow me! We'll make a right at this white rock.' That is, if whales can talk."

Backmatter provides facts about these magnificent animals.

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