Little Critter: I Am Sharing(PB)

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Publisher: Scholastic
Series: Little Critter
Format: Paperback
Pages: 24
Author: Mercer Mayer
Illustrated by: Mercer Mayer
Guide Reading Level(US): H
RRL: 13-14
Lexile: AD270L
Text type: Fiction
ISBN: 9780545525954

A funny, realistic, and reassuring look at a child's struggle to give up (however temporarily) "my stuff."

Little Critter is a good older brother. He shares everything with his kid sister. Well, almost everything.

He shares his puppets and his toy tiger with her. No problem. But he certainly won't share his medicine. He lets her use his blanket and his crayons and his shampoo. But he won't let her near his toothbrush. Why not? He always lets her watch TV -except when his favorite show is on. She's also welcome to sit in his bean-bag chair and taste his ice cream.

Overall, she's a pretty lucky girl as far as sharing - and big brothers - go. The question is, will she give him a lick of her lollipop?

Laugh along with this delightful tale of two siblings and their give-and-take.

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