Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time (GR Level X)

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Publisher: Scholastic Asia
Series: Guided Reading
Format: Paperback
Author: Lisa Lee
Illustrated by:
Guide Reading Level(US): X
Reading Recovery Level: 33
Lexile: 650L
Text type: Non Fiction
ISBN: 9780439622486

Stanford Wong is having a bad summer. If he flunks his summer-school English class, he won't pass sixth grade. If that happens, he won't start on the basketball A-team. If that happens, his friends will abandon him and Emily Ebers won't like him anymore. And if that happens, his life will be over. Then his parents are fighting, his grandmother Yin-Yin hates her new nursing home, he's being "tutored" by the world's biggest nerdball Millicent Min, and he's not sure his ballpoint "Emily" tattoo is ever going to wash off.

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